5 Great Ways to Use Your Walls for Storage

Did you know your wall space is an untapped gold mine? In every house, there is at least one wall that has the potential to be used for extra storage and organization. With some inspiration and the right tools, such as Allspace Wall Mount Starter Kits, you can be maximizing your indoor and outdoor living space ASAP.

Here are 5 useful ways we’ve seen the Allspace Wall Mount utilized.

Clean Up Your Laundry Space

If laundry is your least favorite chore, join the club. This household duty is notorious for being universally disliked. These 45 funny tweets prove we are all in this together. Whether it’s because it takes forever to fold laundry or the fact that dirty clothes appear thirty seconds after you thought you finished it all, we all wish laundry was a little less horrible. 

In order to make it easier to cross “laundry” off of your to-do list, add an Allspace Wall Mount to your laundry space. Martha Stewart emphasizes that tackling your laundry room setup can simplify your workload and ease overwhelm. The hooks and shelves included in the Allspace starter kit make it easy to have everything you need to clean and care for your clothing at your fingertips.

By utilizing Allspace shelving and storage bins, the top of your machines will no longer be cluttered with laundry detergent, stain remover, and dryer sheets. Plus, the waterproof wire shelving is perfect to reserve for drying rags and household cleaning sponges.

The pegboard panel provides plenty of space for various items of clothing. If you have some clothes that are too delicate to throw in the dryer, grab a few hangers and let them air dry straight from the pegboard. 

Promote Your Home Office

Whether you are running a side gig from home or need a quiet place for your regular job, your home office should be a place that you look forward to working in on a regular basis. And an organized work space is a productive one.

Gray House Studio, as shown above, utilized the vertical wall space in her home office to display her current web design projects, the phase each project was in, and up to date notes associated with the existing projects.

After trying multiple ways to organize the growing stack of project models and client folders, making use of the empty wall was the perfect solution to staying organized and on track. 

Now that you’re excited to put your Allspace board to work, you might want to check out how to add color to your wall organizer. The New York Times stresses the importance of creating a workspace that reflects your personality, style, and interests. Not only will your workspace reflect you but it will be much more enjoyable to work in. So, push the envelope and go pick up some paint for your Allspace board. 

Cook Up a Cleaner Kitchen

Decades ago, Julia Child was the first to introduce a storage solution that solved the most common kitchen frustration — scrambling around the kitchen to find the right cooking tool. If you’re tired of digging through drawers and the kitchen is overflowing with pots and pans, utilize your wall space. Not only will it boost kitchen storage but it makes everything much easier to find. 

Arrange your kitchen tools in a way that fits your needs. Epicurious, a website dedicated to all things food, suggests to select your most commonly used items to hang from your wall mount. By picking only your everyday kitchen necessities to display on your Allspace board, it makes time spent in the kitchen more efficient. With your kitchen essentials just an arm’s reach away, you won’t be wasting time searching for that favorite spatula you cook with for every meal. Mindfully configuring your collection of pans, measuring cups, and utensils will make everything easy to find and easy to put back. 

Curb Your Garage Mess

The garage has a tendency to quickly become a junkyard of outdoor gear, tools, and miscellaneous items that can’t fit inside your home. In some cases, the stuff takes up a majority of the garage interior and steals your parking spot.

To solve this, HGTV recommends ditching the floor and making use of your walls instead. Lucky for you, your Allspace board makes it easy for you to get the job done. 

To get started, make an inventory of the items you are looking to store and donate things you no longer need. Whether you are looking to organize cleaning supplies, gardening tools, or holiday decor, Allspace boards make it easy to organize your frequently used items so you can quickly grab-and-go.

If you think your garage deserves some extra TLC, A Beautiful Mess recommends getting colorful by painting with bold color. She brightened up the wall of her garage with a splash of yellow paint paired with a customized white wall panel. Whatever color you choose, have fun with it. Soon, you’ll be able to proudly open your garage door without shame of a neighbor catching a glimpse inside. 

Get Crafty with Art Space

If you’re looking for a creative solution to tame the growing collection of craft supplies and accessories, your wall provides the perfect spot to keep them readily available yet out of the way. For families, keeping markers, crayons, and glue sticks contained is essential if you want to avoid losing the newly bought drawing supplies. If there isn’t a designated spot to put supplies back, you are bound to find them all over the house. Spectrum emphasizes that bins and baskets are essential to storing these supplies, such as glue, scissors, and coloring books. By utilizing the clear bins from Allspace, your family can easily find exactly what they need to create their newest artwork. 

It's All on the Wall

No matter how you wish to utilize your wall space, Allspace offers all the tools you will need to organize your space to match your needs. So, choose your next organization project, pick a wall, and start maximizing your space. If you want to share how you organized with your Allspace board, share your idea in the comments below for the chance to be featured in a future blog post!


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